Student Wellbeing

Behaviour Support
Blakeview Primary School’s behaviour policy guides:
- The behaviour we expect of students
- How staff, parents and caregivers will support positive behaviour
- The safe inclusion of all students
There are 2 Wellbeing Leaders at Blakeview Primary who work closely with students, their families and the community. They provide support in linking families to outer support agencies, behaviour, attendance and trauma.
Berry Street Education Model
Student Wellbeing is a high focus of our school, with staff trained in the Berry Street Education Model which is a trauma informed practise. This involves staff actively engaging with students to develop their social and emotional skills, through explicit teaching about the bodies responses and developing regulation strategies.
The five domains that we focus on are: Body, Relationships, Engagement, Stamina and Character.
Grow Wellbeing
Grow Wellbeing supports students and their families who require additional supports for both Medicare and NDIS funded students. Supports they provide include psychology, occupational therapy, speech and play therapy. To access this support without NDIS, families will need to attain a Mental Health Care Plan from their GP which will allocate them to 10 free sessions over a calendar year.
The Smith Family
Blakeview Primary works very closely with The Smith Family. The Smith Family provides scholarships and supports to families who meet select criteria and are recommended candidates from the school. Families who fulfill the criteria, can receive scholarships for their children up into university. The Smith Family also provides support to the school by providing extra-curricula programs and excursions.
Supporting Our Students Room
To support students in school with behaviour, they have access to the Supporting our Students Room. This space is always staffed with 2 leaders and an SSO where students have time to defrief about a situation before determining a solution.
Regulation Room
If students require a break from learning, they can enter the Regulation Room where there are calming activities available such as reading, puzzles, colouring and fidgets. Students enter this space for a short time before completing a breathing activity with a staff member and returning to class.
Student Voice
Students at Blakeview Primary have the opportunity to be a part of SRC. This allows students to have a voice in activities and events that happen within the school.
Such activities include, fundraising activities, special days, yard play activities and equipment.
Through student voice students of all year levels build skills in working collaboratively and leadership skills.
Lunch / Recess activities
Blakeview Primary offers both structured and supervised playtime activities throughout the school. Jump rope, large board games, water and sand exploration, oval sports such as soccer, badminton & football.