Contact Us
Principal | Teresa Harriott |
Address | Omega Drive, Blakeview SA, 5114 |
Postal | Omega Drive, Blakeview SA, 5114 |
Phone | (08) 8254 7555 |
Partnership | Uleybury Partnership | | |
Socials |
Contact OSHC
Phone: (08) 8284 1190
Mobile: 0427 055 784
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Blakeview Primary School is a zoned school. You can use the Find a School or Preschool website to determine if you live in the Blakeview Primary School zone. To load the map press the ‘I understand’ button on the website.
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To enrol at Blakeview Primary you will need to contact the front office to enquire. Should you be eligible, you will receive an enrolment pack and we will book a time for a Principal's tour.