Murray Unit (Disability Unit)
The Murray Unit has four classes, catering for 32 students from Reception to Year 6 with a range of intellectual disabilities.
We have a Unit Co-ordinator, 1 teacher and 1 SSO for each class, extra support staff are used as needed. Our facilities include a large secure play area as well as sensory retreats for each classroom.
All students are enrolled through a Special Options process through the Department for Education; eligibility is determined by a panel process. Enrolment cannot be done through school.
Co-located on the Blakeview Primary site means we build and maintain strong links with our mainstream peers. This is done by joining in with assemblies, sports days, book week and working with buddy classes for reading and other activities to name a few.
Students’ learning is differentiated and is linked to the individual One Child One Plan and SMARTAR Goals which are written in collaboration with parents/caregivers. Our curriculum focuses on social skills and life skills which include literacy and numeracy.